Make sure to write Mikov in subject line of your e-mail
Basic Info
ABS Scales
Wood Scales
Stag + Horn
RWL 34
Special Edition
Price List
Payment Info
Shipping Info
Payment Info

I accept: PayPal, SEPA wire transfers to my EURO account, transfers via Western Union and cash in sent via registered letter (EU customers).
I do not accept: Direct Credit Card payments. 

Select payment option and e-mail me for details:

Please send me an e-mail* and tell me what knives you want and your preferred payment option. I will respond with total amount in USD or EURO (including shipping) and instructions. You can check the prices here. If you add your country of residence and state I will help you to choose the best way to send the payment.

Option 1 - Using PayPal:      PayPal accepted       Credit Cards over PayPal accepted

I now accept PayPal payments. Please add 7% to help me cover their fees and really bad exchange rate. Please
e-mail* me for my PayPal address - do not send any payments to this e-mail. I will only accept payments in USD and EURO.

Option 2 - Sending payment to my CZ bank:

If you are in EU you can send SEPA payment in EUR directly to my CZ bank account. Transfer mode is SHA, 1% needs to be added to cover incoming fee.

Option 3 - Sending payment via Western Union:     Western Union money transfers now accepted - e-mail for more info.

I accept payments via Western Union. Since they use their own currency exchange rate, 8% must be added to the total amount. Please e-mail* me for my address. You can send payment in any currency you want - I just need you to e-mail me the total amount transferred (in your currency) and Money Transfer Control Number.
Do not use the Test Question/Answer option and make sure I can withdraw the payment in local currency. Check Western Union
website for more info if needed.

Option 4 - Sending cash:

You can send cash (no coins) to me in Czech Republic via registered letter. If you are in Europe you should be able to insure the letter for full amount. Make sure you use strong envelope and tape the seals and edges. Please e-mail* me for my address.

Sorry I cannot accept Credit Card payments.

For references please check my feedback on Bladeauction.

* When sending e-mail please make sure you write "MIKOV" in Subject line. Otherwise the e-mail will not be delivered. Thank you.

E-mail *